Black is talent. Have you got talent? Are you #MadeOfBlack? Shoot a video selfie to show us what you are made of. Tell us in words, or shout out your rhymes. Sing us your tune, or show us your moves. You could win a brand-new Nokia Lumia 730 phone! If our FB community likes your video best, you could also win a N250,000 cash prize in the final!
Ts and Cs: http://on.fb.me/1wVf43c or read below
Terms and Conditions: Guinness Made of Black Video Selfie Competition:
These are the terms and conditions (the “Terms”)applicable to persons (“You”or a “Participant”entering the “Guinness Made of Black Video Selfie Competition (the “Competition”). The Competitionwill run between 12:00:01am (Nigerian Time) on Monday 8 December 2014 to11:59pm (Nigerian Time) on Sunday 11 January 2015. By entering the Competition,you accept these terms and conditions and agree to be bound by them. Thiscompetition is hosted by Guinness Nigeria Plc (“Guinness Nigeria”).
1. Open to all persons who are resident in Nigeria and aged above the legal limit for alcoholconsumption in Nigeria (18+ proof of age may be requested), except employees ofGuinness Nigeria, their families and anyone professionally involved with this Competitionand employees of Diageo Brands Nigeria Limited.
2. To enter the competition,a participant must visit the Guinness VIP Facebook page and upload a videoselfie of themselves, adhering to the theme of each week of the competition.The themes are as follows:
· Week 1 (22 - 28 December 2014): Video selfie showing us their talent.
· Week 2 (29 December 2014 - 4 January 2015): Video selfie showing off their best clothes or outfits.
· Week 3 (5 - 11 January 2015): Video selfie with a bottle or can of Guinness.
· Week 4 (12 - 18 January 2015): Video selfie telling their truth, their beliefs.
3. The four eligible videoselfies (determined at the sole discretion of Guinness Nigeria) that have the most ‘likes’ by 9am on Monday 29 December 2014, Monday 5January 2015, Monday 12 January 2015 and Monday 19 January 2015 will win a Nokia Lumia 730 and a Made of Black tee shirt. Thosefour winners will then go into the final stage of the competition in the weekcommencing 19 January 2015, where users on Guinness VIP will vote for the finalwinner. The final winner will win an additional N250,000 cash prize.
4. The act of submitting a videoselfie serves as an entry into the competition. Each individual is allowed oneentry only per competition post. Winners must respond and claim their prizeswithin 48 hours of such notification via Facebook inbox message and via top upgenie for Twitter users. Failure to redeem the prizes within the time frameamounts to forfeiture of the prize.
5. By participating in theCompetition (submitting a video selfie), participants grant Guinness Nigeriathe right to repost the video on its Facebook and Twitter page.
6. The winners are requiredto provide a valid proof of identification in form of National I.D card,Drivers’ License, International Passport or University Student I.D Card.
7. Guinness Nigeria reservesthe right to withdraw or amend this Competition in the event of any unforeseencircumstances outside their reasonable control.
8. Guinness Nigeria alsoreserves the right to terminate or temporarily suspend this Competition in theevent of technical or other difficulties that might compromise its integrity.
9. Guinness Nigeria and itsagents accept no responsibility for difficulties experienced in submitting anentry to this Competition or failure of entries being submitted in event ofdifficulties with the network providers who are independent agencies.
10. By taking part in the Competition,all Participants accept and agree to abide by the terms and conditions andother rules guiding the Competition.
11. The prizes (save for theN250,000 cash gift to the final winner) are non-transferable, and may not be exchangedfor cash or any other form of reward.
12. Guinness Nigeriareserves the right to substitute the prize for another prize of like value atany time and for any reason and without notice.
13. Guinness Nigeriareserves the right to exclude any claims that it reasonably believes to befraudulent or based on misconduct. Guinness Nigeria shall take such decision atits sole discretion, such decision shall be final and no correspondence will beentered into.
14. In the event of anydispute regarding the conduct or results of the Competition, these terms andconditions, or any other matters relating to the Competition, the decisionGuinness Nigeria is final and no correspondence will be entered into with anyparticipant.
15. Neither GuinnessNigeria, any other companies in the Diageo Group or any of their respectiveadvertising, media and PR agencies, nor their trading partners shall be liablein any way whatsoever for any loss, damage or costs, howsoever arising,suffered by any Participant in this Competition.
16. This Competition andthese terms are governed by Nigerian Law.
17.Participants are deemedto have accepted these terms and conditions by participating in this Competition.A Participants personal data will only be held and used by Guinness Nigeria forthe purpose of this Competition and shall not be used for any other purposewhatsoever without their prior consent.
18. For further Competition informationor assistance, please call 080017591759 or send an email to help@guinnessvip.com. Please include your query in the Subject Line